Financial Planner

Category - Investment Planning

What is a bond? Select all that apply:
  1. It is a contract by which an investor lends money in return for a promise of future cash flows.
  2. It is an instrument for large institutions such as governments and large companies to borrow on the world capital markets.
  3. A token of trust between lenders and borrowers.
  4. A piece of paper that represents an amount of money that is lent or borrowed.
Answer: A and B - A bond is defined as a contract by which an investor lends money in return for a promise of future cash flows. It is also an instrument for large institutions such as governments and large companies to borrow on the world capital markets.
With a regular bond, an investor receives a fixed interest payment (called a coupon) for the time he holds the bond. At the end, the par value is paid back, plus the final interest payment.
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