Professional Employment Test (PET) Prep

Category - Quantitative Problem Solving

What is 1/11?
  1. .095
  2. .0909
  3. .0888
  4. .9414
  5. .142857
Answer: 1/11 is .090909. The zero and nine repeat indefinitely.

Key Takeaway: Dividing by 11 is far less common, but if you bought this app, you’re not taking any chances. To master fractions with 11 as the denominator, just multiply your numerator by 9 to figure out the repeating digits.

1/11 = .090909
2/11 = .181818
3/11 = .272727
4/11 = .363636
5/11 = .454545
6/11 = .545454
7/11 = .636363
8/11 = .727272
9/11 = .818181
10/11 =.90909
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