FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

What clinical limits define the eating disorder anorexia nervosa?
  1. BMI<20 and body weight at least 15% below the lowest value for height
  2. BMI<17.5 and body weight at least 15% below the lowest value for height
  3. BMI<20 and body weight at least 10% below the lowest value for height
  4. BMI<17.5 and body weight at least 20% below the lowest value for height

Answer: B - Having a BMI<17.5 and a body weight at least 15% below the lowest value for height are the clinical limits defining the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. This condition consists of several psychological issues regarding self-esteem and body image and can often manifest as an inability to consume enough calories from food to support energy requirements to maintain a normal body weight.

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