Praxis II Middle School Content Knowledge Test Prep

Category - Praxis Middle School Content Knowledge Practice Test

Two blocks of zinc with different masses are at room temperature. Each block then absorbs the same amount of heat over 10 minutes. When the temperature of each block is then measured, block 1 is at a higher temperature than block 2.

Which of the following statements most likely describes the zinc blocks?
  1. The mass of block 1 is less than the mass of block 2.
  2. The mass of block 1 is greater than the mass of block 2.
  3. The specific heat of block 1 is less than the specific heat of
    block 2.
  4. The specific heat of block 1 is greater than the specific heat of block 2.
Answer: A - The mass of block 1 is less than the mass of block 2.
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