EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Transactional Analysis (TA) is based on two notions:
  1. People have three parts to their personality, and these parts oppose one another at times
  2. People have three parts to their personality, and these parts work in-sync at all times
  3. People have two parts to their personality, and these parts oppose one another at times
  4. People have two parts to their personality, and these parts work in-sync at all times
Answer: A - Transactional Analysis is a theory of relationships, and people built on the belief that individuals have three parts or “ego-states” to their personality, and these parts often work in contradiction to one another. The three parts of one’s personality are the parent, the child, and the adult. The parent can be nurturing or domineering; the child can be oblivious, curious, or rebellious; the adult is typically the rational.
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