EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Transactional analysis (TA) integrates theories of psychoanalysis, cognitive, and humanist approaches to therapy, and is meant to simplify a patient’s understanding of maladaptive behavior. Which of the following is not a philosophy or specific concept of TA?
  1. There are three main ego states: Adult, Child, and Parent.
  2. A person’s life position-their unconscious feeling about life-influences daily interactions.
  3. The goal of TA therapy is to affect permanent change in the way the patient makes decisions and create freedom from childhood patterns, rather than to simply understand these issues better and progress towards changing them.
  4. Transactions refer to the interplay of different ego states within a patient.
Answer: D - Transactions refer to the flow of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, between people. The importance of transactions in this theory is largely about their unspoken psychological content that requires interpretation.
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