EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

Throughout a counselor’s career, it is imperative that they be introspective, as well as seek personal counseling when needed. Exploration of personal __________ is (are) vital for counselors to pay attention to, as a way of ensuring the client’s best interest is served.
  1. Cultural beliefs
  2. Biases
  3. Self-care
  4. All of the above
Answer: D - To be an effective and balanced counselor, it is crucial for individuals to explore their own cultural beliefs, and sensitivities to see how they may interact with those of a diverse clientele. Also, biases, which extend beyond cultural prejudices, to areas such as sexuality, child-rearing, economical statuses, etc., are helpful for counselors to become aware of. This allows for exploration of the bias, so it does not affect client welfare; Personal self-care is important not only for clients, but also for counselors, as burn-out is a common factor of the profession.
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