SAT Prep

Category - Writing

There is an error in the underlined portion of the passage below. Choose the option that best corrects this error.

After viewing the school play, the audience had an opinion regarding the wicked witchof the North and I.
  1. theWicked Witchof the North and I.
  2. I and the wicked witch of the North.
  3. the wicked witchof the North and me.
  4. me and the wicked witchof the North.
Answer: C - After viewing the school play, the audience had an opinion regarding the wicked witch of the North and me. If we read the sentence with only one of the objects that is receiving the action, After viewing the school play, the audience had an opinion regarding ____________”. Which makes more sense to say, “regarding me” or “regarding I”? Clearly, the pronoun me is the correct choice for this sentence.
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