SAT Prep

Category - Writing

There is an error in the underlined portion of the passage below. Choose the option that best corrects this error.

New Mexico, home of the Carlsbad Caverns, contains more than 110 caves in over twenty miles of underground terrain.
  1. The Carlsbad Caverns are found in New Mexico and contain more than 110 caves in over twenty miles of underground terrain.
  2. The Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, contain more than 110 caves in over twenty miles of underground terrain.
  3. New Mexico has the Carlsbad Caverns whom contain more than 110 caves in over twenty miles of underground terrain.
  4. In twenty miles of underground terrain, the Carlsbad Caverns house more than 110 caves in New Mexico.
  5. The Carlsbad Caverns contain more than 110 caves and over twenty miles of underground terrain and are found in Mexico.
Answer: A - The Carlsbad Caverns are found in New Mexico and contain more than 110 caves in over twenty miles of underground terrain. For a sentence to be grammatically correct, it must have a subject and a main verb. When a subject lacks either a subject or a main verb, the result is an incomplete sentence or a sentence fragment. In this question, all options but C are run-on sentences or awkwardly words sentences.
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