SAT Prep

Category - Writing

There is an error in the underlined portion of the passage below. Choose the option that best corrects this error.

The Jumbo Dumbo a bulky variety of an uncommon, aboriginal octopod sports a pair of ear-like fins that assist in swimming.
  1. Dumbo. A bulky variety of an uncommon aboriginal octopod;
  2. Dumbo, and a bulky variety of an uncommon, aboriginal octopod
  3. Dumbo, a bulky variety of an uncommon, aboriginal octopod,
  4. Dumbo; a bulky variety of an uncommon, aboriginal octopod
Answer: C - The Jumbo Dumbo, a bulky variety ofan uncommon, aboriginal, octopod sports a pair of ear-like fins that assist in swimming. The opening phrase is followed by an appositive that references the same organism in different words. This interrupter should be separated from the remainder of the sentence using commas. Also, the two adjectives used to describe the octopod should be separated with a comma.
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