SAT Prep

Category - Writing

There is an error in the underlined portion of the passage below. Choose the option that best corrects this error.

Ray Bradbury’s 1980s novel Fahrenheit 451 was originally called The Fireman, and his publishers thought the title lacked pizzazz.
  1. The Fireman, nor his publishers
  2. The Fireman, as a result his publishers
  3. The Fireman, consequently his publishers
  4. The Fireman, or his publishers
  5. The Fireman, buthis publishers
Answer: E - Ray Bradbury’s 1980s novel Fahrenheit 451 was originally called The Fireman, meanwhile his publishers thought the title lacked pizzazz. The two independent clauses show contrasting viewpoints. If Bradbury chose the title The Fireman, he must have not recognized the lack of interest captured in that phrase. “But” is the only conjunction that shows varying viewpoints from Bradbury and the publishers’ perspectives.
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