MCAS Biology Practice

Category - Biology

There are two types of modern whales: toothed whales and baleen whales. Baleen whales filter plankton from the water using baleen, plates made of fibrous proteins that grow from the roof of their mouths. The embryos of baleen whales have teeth in their upper jaws. As the embryos develop, the teeth are replaced with baleen. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by this information?
  1. Primitive whales had teeth as adults.
  2. Toothed whales descended from baleen whales.
  3. Baleen whales are evolving into toothed whales.
  4. Descendants of modern baleen whales will have both teeth and baleen as adults.

Answer: A - Primitive whales had teeth as adults.  baleen whales are believed to have evolved from whales with teeth. The evolutionary process from toothed whales to baleen whales is thought to have taken place over millions of years. Scientists believe that the ancestors of baleen whales were toothed whales that gradually developed baleen plates as a more effective way to filter food from the ocean. The baleen plates, made of keratin (the same material as human hair and nails), replaced the teeth as the primary means of capturing food, and eventually, the whales lost their teeth entirely. Over time, baleen whales became specialized filter feeders, able to consume large quantities of small prey, such as krill and small fish, with their baleen plates.


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