The Richardson shave three children who attend a prominent school within the community. The two daughters and one son live in a financially stable environment, participating in many extracurricular activities. The Richardson’s son has been displaying inappropriate behaviors for the last two years. His parents see it as simply misbehaving and being a boy. The son continuously breaks the rules at school and at home. He acts out and causes distractions when there is an authority figure present. What might a social worker see as the problem?
  1. Anti-social disorder
  2. Maladaptive behavior
  3. Interpersonal antipathy
  4. Borderline personality disorder
Answer: B - Maladaptive behaviors might be exhibited as inappropriate or disruptive in nature. Children display this behavior as a combination of self perception, emotional reactions to their perceptions and stress of the situation. Symptoms include power-seeking initiatives, attention getting, revenge and a display of general inadequacy. The child is eager to receive any negative attention.
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