EPPP Psychology

Category - Biological Bases of Behavior

The __________________ perceives, gathers, interprets and records incoming sensory information and also sends out communication destined for muscles, glands and internal organs such as the stomach and the heart.
  1. Central peripheral system
  2. Central nervous system
  3. Hypothalamic pituitary axis
  4. The reticular formation
Answer: B - The central nervous system perceives, gathers, interprets and records incoming sensory information and also sends out communication destined for muscles, glands and internal organs such as the stomach and the heart. Think of the central nervous system as the command center of processing and disseminating information in your body. This system receives sensory information from such places as the skin (such as hot surface, pinprick) and communicates this information to the brain. This information is then transmitted to organs such as the muscle to take action such as withdraw your hand from a hot plate or pull away from a needle prick.
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