Medical Coding

Category - 50,000 Series

The patient presents to the gynecologist’s office complaining of stress incontinence. The GYN decides to perform a sling operation using synthetic materials to reinforce the patient’s muscles and allow for additional urinary control. This procedure is performed laparoscopically in order to be less invasive. What is the correct code for this procedure?
  1. 57288
  2. 57287
  3. 51990
  4. 51992
Answer: D - Code 51992 (Laparoscopy, Surgical; Sling Operation for Stress Incontinence) is the appropriate code for this procedure. Codes 57288 and 57287 are used for open procedures and although code 51990 is also used for laparoscopic stress incontinence, this code refers to urethral suspension not a sling.
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