Medical Coding

Category - Medicine

The patient is a 20-month-old with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis twice a week, awaiting a kidney transplant. The patient’s parents receive weekly face-to-face counseling services regarding the patient’s care and ESRD status. What is the correct code for the patient’s dialysis care?
  1. 90951 (X4)
  2. 90951
  3. 90952
  4. 90954 (X4)
Answer: B - The correct code for the patient’s dialysis care is 90951 (ESRD-Related Services Monthly, for Patients Younger than 2 Years of Age to Include Monitoring of the Adequacy of Nutrition, Assessment of Growth and Development, and Counseling of Parents; with 4 or More Face-to-Face Visits by the Physician Per Month).This code is used because it includes 4 or more visits by the physician. Code 90951 only needs to be reported once.
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