FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Free Pediatric CCRN Test Prep

The nurse provides instructions regarding home care to the parents of a 3-year-old child hospitalized with hemophilia. Which statement, if made by the parent, indicates a need for further instructions?
  1. “We will supervise the child closely.”
  2. “We will pad corners of the furniture.”
  3. “We will remove household items that can easily fall over.”
  4. “We will avoid having the child receive immunizations and cancel the scheduled dental appointments.”
Answer: D - The nurse needs to stress the importance of immunizations, dental hygiene, and routine well-child care. The parents are also instructed in the measures to implement in the event of blunt trauma, especially trauma involving the joints, and to apply prolonged pressure to superficial wounds until the bleeding has stopped.
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