SAT Prep

Category - Reading

The Nervous System
The most complicated system in the human body is the nervous system. This highly organized system allows bodily processes to be regulated and occur in a regulated fashion, based on the organism’s placement within its environment. The nervous system is comprised of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord, the medulla spinalis. The brain and the spinal cord meet at the point of the atlas vertebrae, which is in the general area of the human neck. The peripheral nervous system is comprised of nerves that connect the central nervous system, as well as other tissues throughout the body. Within the nervous tissues, nerve cells are present. These nerve cells have many jobs and work in conjunction with supporting tissues, known as neuroglia. This particular tissue is found exclusively in the brain and the medulla spinalis. Undoubtedly, there remains a vast amount more to know about the nervous system - the most complex system in living organisms.

What is another name for supporting tissues that are present within the nervous system?
  1. Medulla spinalis,
  2. Neuroglia.
  3. Blood vessels.
  4. The cranium.
Answer: B - Neuroglia. As noted nerve cells work in conjunction with supporting tissues. The sentence shows that neuroglia and supporting tissues are referencing the same anatomy.
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