EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

The criticism behind Recovered Memory Therapy is that _________________.
  1. It is difficult for patients to recover long term memory
  2. It is easy for patients to be influenced by therapists’ suggestions
  3. It is impossible for patients to retain recovered memories
  4. It is neutral in improving patient outcomes
Answer: B - The criticism behind Recovered Memory Therapy is that it is easy for patients to be influenced by therapists’ suggestions. Recovered memory therapy was a popular therapy in the late 20th century that has since been criticized heavily. This type of therapy is based on psychodynamic principles that assert humans bury painful or traumatic memories out of the reach of their present consciousness.

To help them recover these memories, some therapists used such methods as word association or hypnosis in an attempt to recover them. In a few cases, some patients claimed to remember sexual abuse from family members that was later proven to be incorrect. The criticism was that therapists’ suggestions to vulnerable patients that their emotional distress was due to childhood sexual abuse resulted in them thinking they were actually abused.
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