ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

The cost of a toy car is $20 less than 2 times the cost of a toy train. If the cost of toy car is $100, what is the cost of toy train?
  1. $40
  2. $50
  3. $60
  4. $80
Answer C Assume the cost of a toy train = m .The cost of a toy car is $20 less than 2 times the cost of a toy train .
The cost of a toy car = 2x m -20.It is given equal to $100
2m -20 = 100 , or 2m = 120 or m =60

Key takeaway: First you convert the word problem into a simple equation with a variable. Then solve simple equation, using mathematical operations such as add, multiply to isolate the variable . Get the variable alone on one side of the equal sign
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