Marital and Family Therapy

Category - Treatment

Teddy is a seven year-old who struggles with some regular bouts of anxiety around going to school, like making friends and being appreciated. By asking Teddy’s parents to read psychoeducational material, you are encouraging them to:
  1. Bring themselves into their son’s disorder by observation
  2. Understand all of the things that contribute to anxiety and its treatment
  3. Consider what things are like in the scope of a seven year old mind
  4. Respond more appropriately to Teddy’s needs during this scary time
Answer - B - While it could be helpful for all of the situations, you are not especially asking them to increase their observation. They did bring Teddy to therapy, after all. But if they’re able to understand the treatment, it is more likely to reduce their own anxiety and help them to be agents of change within the family without placing the expectation on the child.
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