EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Sex indicates an individual’s biological gender, while gender refers to one’s cultural, and psychosocial concept of maleness or femaleness. Furthering the notion of gender and sex is the perception of gender identity, which refers to an individuals’ __________ as male, female, or gender neutral.
  1. Inconsistency in identifying
  2. Barriers to identifying
  3. Psychological identity
  4. Genetic identity
Answer: C - Gender identity refers to a person’s psychological identity as male, female, or gender neutral. There are also many other ways to “label” gender, and places to fall on the gender spectrum. Essentially, gender identity does not always match the biological sex, and often cannot fit into only two categories (male or female). Some distinguish themselves as being genderqueer, nonbinary, bigender, etc.
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