SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

seraphic : angel ::
  1. sacerdotal : priest
  2. despot : oppressor
  3. unimaginative : visionary
  4. cynical : zealot
Answer: Choice (A) is correct.

Something that is seraphic has to do with angels, and is seraphim-like. In choice (B), a despot and an oppressor are the same thing; the first word is not descriptive of the second, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), a visionary is someone who is inventive, not unimaginative, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), a zealot is a fervent believer, not a cynic. The only answer choice in which the first term is descriptive of the second term is choice (A). Sacerdotal describes something that is priestly.
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