Sam was in a building that caught on fire where the fire suppression method is bad for many types of life. What type of method was being used?
  1. Halon
  2. CO2
  3. Fire Extinguishers
  4. Water Sprinklers
Answer - B - The method that is bad for many types of life is CO2. Co2 is good for putting out fires, but bad for many types of life forms. If an organization uses CO2, the suppression-releasing device should have a delay mechanism within it that makes sure the agent does not start applying CO2 to the area until after an audible alarm has sounded and people have been given time to evacuate. CO2 is a colorless, odorless substance that is potentially lethal because it removes oxygen from the air. Gas masks do not provide protection against CO2; therefore, it is best used in unattended facilities and areas.
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