SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

regimen : habitual
  1. tryst : rendezvous
  2. hurl : trajectory
  3. surveillance : surreptitious
  4. aristocracy : common
Answer: Choice (C) is correct.

In the initial pair, consider the relationship between the two words. A regimen is habitual or scheduled, so the second word describes the first in this pair. In choice (A), tryst and rendezvous are synonyms; the second does not describe the first, so eliminate that pair. In choice (B), something that is hurled or thrown has a trajectory or trail that it follows, but these words are not related in the same way as the initial pair in the analogy. In choice (D), the aristocracy is considered to be the highest class of people, not the most common, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), surveillance means to observe someone, most typically without their knowledge, or surreptitiously and secretly. This is the only pair in which the second term describes the first.
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