SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

pernicious : detrimental ::
  1. splenetic : acrimonious
  2. eloquent : punitive
  3. commodious : restricted
  4. erratic : consistent
Answer: Choice (A) is correct.

In the first half of the analogy, something that is pernicious is hurtful or detrimental, so look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. In choice (B), someone who is eloquent is expressive and articulate, not punitive. These words are not related, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), something that is commodious is spacious, not restricted, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), something that is erratic is unpredictable and irregular, not consistent. In choice (A), something that is splenetic is nasty in behavior or speech, which is a synonym for acrimonious. Therefore, choice (A) is correct.
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