SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

penchant : proclivity ::
  1. aversion : complaisance
  2. asperity : conceit
  3. connotation : suggestion
  4. derision : compliment
Answer: Choice (C) is correct.

In the first half of the analogy, both penchant and proclivity mean a strong inclination or tendency. Therefore, look for the answer pair that contains synonyms. In choice (A), an aversion is a dislike or hatred of something, and complaisance means tending to comply or obey. These are unrelated, so eliminate that choice. In choice (B), asperity means rough, harsh, or ill-tempered, and conceit means an overly high opinion of oneself. These are not related, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), derision means ridicule, and is the opposite of a compliment, so eliminate that choice. Choice (C) is the only option with synonyms. A connotation is a suggestion or implication, so that is the correct choice.

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