Massage Therapist

Category - Application

Patty Palpation is meeting a new client for the first time. She notices that the client is several months pregnant and the client has told Patty that she has not been feeling well. In order to follow common safety practices, Patty should gather additional information before providing a massage. Which of the following questions is the most important question to ask before moving ahead with the session?
  1. Is this your first baby?
  2. Are you under the care of a doctor who has approved massage therapy for you while you are pregnant?
  3. Do you know if the baby is a boy or a girl?
  4. Have you ever had a massage before?
Answer: B Gathering additional information on the client’s state of health during her pregnancy is important prior to starting the massage. In most cases, it is contraindicated to perform a massage on a woman who is still in the first trimester of her pregnancy (the first three months), especially if she is not feeling well or has had prior complications with the pregnancy or a previous pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first trimester. Find out if your new client is under the care of a health professional who has given their approval for massage.
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