Obsessive compulsive disorder is actually an anxiety problem in which individuals have repeated and unwanted thoughts or behaviors. Behaviors will be carried out to get rid of the obsessive ideas. Not completing the action can cause great apprehension. Which of the following is not a true fact about OCD?
  1. 20% of people with OCD have tics.
  2. Most symptoms appear before age 30.
  3. OCD is due to a medical illness or drug use.
  4. Antidepressants are prescribed as a treatment.
Answer: C - Obsessions or compulsions are not due to any medical problem or drug use. Most people recognize the problem as being excessive and can self report problems. Doctors believe OCD may be a condition related to Tourette syndrome, since 20% of individuals with OCD demonstrate tics. There are several theories pertaining to the cause, but none have been validated.
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