Medical Coding Exam Prep

Category - ICD-10

Mr. Adam was admitted to the hospital with severe pain in the abdomen for 2 days. The pain has increased in severity over time. After assessments, the diagnosis was given as an acute gastric ulcer. No signs of hemorrhage were noted. What is the appropriate ICD-10 code for this case?
  1. K26.3
  2. K25.3
  3. R10. 9
  4. K70.0
Answer: B 

K25.3 is the appropriate code here because it codes for acute gastric ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation. Here, the patient is diagnosed with acute gastric ulcer. Also, no signs of hemorrhage are found and perforation is not mentioned. 

Option A is not correct because K26.0 indicates acute duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation. Here, the ulceration is gastric. 

Option C is not correct because R10.9 codes for unspecified abdominal pain. Here, pain is secondary to gastric ulcer. 

Option D is not correct because K70.0 is used to code for alcoholic fatty liver. 

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