EPPP Psychology

Category - Assessment and Diagnosis

Mark is a 10-year old boy who moved to a new school about 6-months ago after his parents divorced. During the last month, he has been telling his mother that he has a stomachache and refuses to go to school. During the weekends, Mark has no such problems and is happy to spend time with his family and friends. Mark is likely to be diagnosed with:
  1. Major depressive disorder
  2. Separation anxiety disorder
  3. Specific phobia
  4. Social anxiety disorder
Answer: B - Mark is likely to be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder.
Separation anxiety disorder can be diagnosed in adolescents and children after the symptoms have persisted for a month. The patient must show developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety related to separation from home. Common symptoms include repeated complaints about physical pain such as stomachaches or headaches, and excessive distress when anticipating being left alone or separated from home.
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