EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Little Jackson is preparing to enter first grade and must get a number of immunization shots. He runs like a dervish through the doctor’s waiting room in an effort to get away which is a (an) ___________ goal.
  1. early runner’s
  2. late bloomer’s
  3. avoidance
  4. approach
Answer: C - Little Jackson is preparing to enter first grade and must get a number of immunization shots. He runs like a dervish through the doctor’s waiting room in an effort to get away which is an avoidance goal.
Key Takeaway: Avoidance goals are motivators to escape unpleasant stimuli and/or occurrences. When a person has an avoidance goal such as avoiding a run-in with their boss, they are more likely to avoid those routes that their boss usually takes. A teenager with a bad report card will have an avoidance goal of hiding it as much as possible from his parent to avoid punishment. A person with a number of overdue bills will have an avoidance goal of not answering calls from creditors.
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