Risk Management Professional Exam Prep

Category - Risk Management

Lena is in the midst of assessing risk on her process re-engineering project. Which might she use to perform a qualitative assessment of identified risks in her project?
  1. Partial historical data
  2. Spotty data
  3. Second-hand information
  4. First-hand interviews
  5. Magic 8 Ball
Answer: d - Lena must utilize only dependable, detailed data to perform an effective qualitative assessment of her risks. One of the best ways to gather this is by performing interviews and documenting them.

Partial historical data, spotty data, and second-hand information are not reliable or detailed sources of information.

Key Take Away: Advanced Project Managers realize that how many ranks their risks is almost important as identifying them in the first place. If a Project Manager doesn’t have a method to tackle the risks with the highest risk level first, then the assessment phase is a failure. One must carry the process through all phases to realize the benefits of effective risk management.
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