EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Julian is having difficulty remembering how to read the treble clef in music notation. His music teacher shows him the following trick: The notes on the lines can be remembered with “Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge” whereas the notes in the spaces can be remembered with “FACE.” Julian’s music teacher has just taught him:
  1. A method for dual coding
  2. A mnemonic
  3. The Method of Loci
  4. How to chunk information
Answer: B - Julian’s music teacher has just taught him a mnemonic.
Mnemonics are methods that help improve memory for specific information. The first letter technique (Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge) uses the first letters of a set of items to spell out words that form a sentence. Acronyms, on the other hand (FACE), use the initials of important items to spell a pronounceable word. Both are types of mnemonics that can help improve memory for information.
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