Jonathan has added some more components to his computer and wants to replace the power supply. Which of the following should he check for to replace the power supply effectively?

I: Color sequence on the motherboard power supply connector

II: Type and number of supply connections

III: Support for international power supply voltages above 241 V

IV: Total wattage of power supply

  1. I and II
  2. I and III
  3. I and IV
  4. II and IV

Answer: D - Three things you need to check for before you replace the power supply are:

- Type of connectors on the supply
- Number of connectors on the power supply
- Total wattage of the power supply

Key Takeaway: Power supply provides power to all the components on the computer. Before replacing the power supply, check for the type, number of supply connectors, and the wattage to ensure the proper working of the power sub system.

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