John is working as a security advisor. Of late, he is going nuts with the number of virus infected computers reported to the IT department every day. A common cause of this seems to be virus infection while using web browsers. Which of the following should John advise the IT department to do to resolve the problem?
  1. Disable unauthorized ActiveX controls
  2. Implement a VPN
  3. Install a firewall
  4. Re-install the OS
Answer - A - The most common but easily overlooked cause of virus infection on a computer is ActiveX controls. Hence, all ActiveX controls in the Internet options of the browser must be disabled.

Key Takeaway: Viruses designed to work with ActiveX are the most dangerous, because you can pick them up just browsing the Internet. Turn off ActiveX and only turn it on when dealing with a site you are absolutely sure is trustworthy. Turning off the Auto download feature is a good idea, too. A common example of a harmful ActiveX behavior would be for it to modify Internet Explorer's ActiveX security level so that it would run unsigned applets and a second attribute would inflict the real damage.
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