John is using IE version 6.0 as his browser. He wants to enable ActiveX controls and he also wants a high level of security set for the Internet zone. How can he accomplish this?
  1. Re-install the browser.
  2. Upgrade to IE 7.0.
  3. He cannot accomplish this.
  4. If the security level for Internet is high, the ActiveX controls are automatically disabled. Modify the ActiveX controls in Custom Level tab.
Answer: D -ActiveX controls are automatically disabled if the security level set for the Internet zone is high. This should be enabled in the Custom Level tab.

Key Takeaway: Select the Security tab on Internet options. By selecting the high security setting for the Internet zone in this tab, several features including ActiveX, Active scripting, and Java, will be disabled. With these features disabled, the browser will be more secure, but somewhat less useable.For a more fine-grained control over what features are allowed in the zone, click the Custom Level button. Here you can control the specific security options that apply to the current zone. ActiveX can be disabled by selecting Disable for Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins.
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