John is in charge of setting up an infrastructure which includes flammable liquids. Which of the following fire extinguisher types should he use in case of a liquid fire emergency?
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
Answer: A - Type B is used on flammable liquids and the composition consists of fire-retardant chemicals.

Key takeaway: Class A fires involve ordinary solid combustibles. Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease, and oil. Class C fires are those caused by energized electrical equipment. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it can extinguish. Many fire extinguishers can handle multiple types of fires, the most common combination being for both B and C type fires, though “tri-class” extinguishers handle A, B, and C class fires. ABC fire extinguishers are best suited for network infrastructure environments.
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