John is expecting a possible e-mail server failure in his organization. Which of the following sites should he be dependent on?
  1. Fast site
  2. Cold site
  3. Warm site
  4. Hot site
Answer: D-A hot site is a location that can provide operations within hours of a failure.

Key Takeaway: A hot site is a backup site that is fully equipped to take over data processing operations at short notice. It contains fully-configured equipment and communication links. Data are frequently or continuously replicated from the live site to the hot site, either by data communication links or physical transport of backup media. Hot Sites provide a very high level of disaster recovery protection, but the cost of maintaining a hot site facility can be extremely high. A warm site provides some of the capabilities of a hot site, but it requires the customer to do more work to become operational. A cold site is a facility that isn’t immediately ready to use. The organization using it must bring along its equipment and network.
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