John is a Network Security Administrator at his organization. The company plans to establish secure connections between the company’s headquarters and branch offices. Which of the following protocols should be used to configure the router?
  1. FTP protocol
  2. IPSec protocol in Tunnel mode
  3. IPSec protocol in Transport mode
  4. SSH protocol
Answer - B - Tunnel mode is used to create Virtual Private Networks for network-to-network communications between routers to link sites.

Key Takeaway: IPSec is a protocol suite for securing Internet Protocol communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a data stream. It is a dual mode, end-to-end, security scheme operating at the OSI model Layer 3. In tunnel mode of the IPSec protocol, the entire IP packet is encrypted and/or authenticated. It is then encapsulated into a new IP packet with a new IP header. It is used to create VPN for network-to-network, host-to-network, and host-to-host communications.
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