COMLEX Osteopathic Medicine

Category - Asymptomatic

Jessica is a 30-year-old woman who comes into the clinic complaining of sneezing, “a stuffed nose,” and “a lot of stuff coming out” when she blows her nose. She claims that the color of the mucus is clear and she does not have a fever. Which of the following are appropriate recommendations?
  1. Take an over-the-counter anti-histamine
  2. Provide instructions on nasal irrigation with saline solution
  3. Prescribe an antibiotic
  4. Both A and B
Answer - D - This patient’s symptoms are indicative of seasonal allergies. Taking an over-the-counter anti-histamine and performing a nasal irrigation with saline solution are appropriate remedies to help reduce the discomfort of seasonal allergies. The patient did not have discolored mucus or a fever, which are symptoms of an infection, and therefore, she should not be prescribed an antibiotic unless she comes back with additional symptoms.
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