EPPP Psychology

Category - Assessment and Diagnosis

Jamie’s therapist shows him a picture with dark ink splattered in the middle of the page. Much to the horror of his therapist, Jamie insists that the picture is that of an old, naked person. This type of test where a person tries to identify an ambiguous image is considered a __________ test.
  1. projective
  2. intelligence
  3. deviance
  4. objective
Answer: A - A projective test is a type of test whereby a person tries to identify an ambiguous image.
Key Takeaway: Projective tests are a type of test used by both personality and clinical psychologists. A person is shown an ambiguous picture (most often a shapeless ink image) and asked to identify it. The test is called ‘projective’ because the individual is expected to project his or her own unconscious reflection of reality onto the image.
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