Praxis I Math Exam Prep

Category - Mathematics

Jacqueline and Lee are meeting for the weekend somewhere between their cities, which are 420 miles apart. Jacqueline drives 80 mph for the duration of her trip. If they both left home at 10 a.m. and met at 1 p.m., what speed did Lee drive to reach their meeting spot?
  1. 75 mph
  2. 70 mph
  3. 65 mph
  4. 60 mph
Answer: D - Lee drove 180 miles at 60 mph to reach the meeting place where Jacqueline arrived after driving 240 miles at 80 mph. Jacqueline drove 80 mph for three hours, which is 240 miles altogether. If she drove 240 miles, then Lee drove what remained of their 420-mile distance, which is 180 miles. She had three hours to complete that distance which means she traveled 60 miles each hour.
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