Jack reports that when the phone rings in his house, the wireless on laptops becomes disconnected. Which of the following could be the most likely cause?
  1. The cordless phones are 2.4Ghz which interferes with wireless.
  2. The cordless phones are plugged into same outlet as the router.
  3. The cordless phones are 5.8Ghz which interferes with wireless.
  4. The cordless phones are plugged into the RJ11 jack.
Answer - A - It is most likely for wireless networks to function intermittently with a cordless phone operating at 2.4 GHz in the proximity of the network.

Key Takeaway: Three things to be done to avoid interference are:

-Move the phone beyond 50 feet of the wireless network.
-Switch to a 5.8 GHz phone.
-Use a different channel on the 2.4 GHz phone that does not overlap with the WiFi network.
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