PMI PMP Project Management

Category - Cost Management

It’s been projected that Project X will take 7 years to amortize the project costs and start earning a profit for its company. This demonstrates which concept?
  1. Net Present Value
  2. Internal Rate of Return
  3. Payback Period
  4. Benefit Cost Ratio
  5. PMIS
Answer: c - This exemplifies the Payback Period of Project X.

The Net Present Value is the discounted total worth of all benefits minus the costs over multiple time periods.

The Internal Rate of Return is used to compare the internal benefit of two of more projects.

The Benefit Cost Ratio is a ratio that compares benefits to the pricing of other options.

A PMIS is any software or automated tool for performing project management.

Key Take Away: Payback period isn’t as effective a methodology as NPV to assess projects, but it is a nice heuristic that helps managers understand how soon the project’s cash flows will cover the costs of the projects.
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