Medical Coding

Category - Anesthesia

It is possible to have more than one qualifying circumstances for an anesthesia code. What qualifying circumstance codes should be added onto the procedure code for lower abdominal hernia repair in a child younger than one year of age who became significantly hypotensive during the procedure, causing an emergency condition?
  1. 00834, 99100, 99135
  2. 00834, 99100, 99140
  3. 00834, 99140, 99135
  4. 00834, 99140
Answer: B- 00834 is the correct code for a hernia repair in the lower abdomen for a child younger than one year of age. 99100 is a correct add on code for patients of extreme age (younger than one year and older than 70). Code 99140 is a correct add on code for a procedure complicated by emergency conditions, such as significant hypotension.
Code 99135 is an incorrect add-on code because this code is for anesthesia complicated by utilization of controlled hypotension.
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