SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

intrepid : timorous ::
  1. paranoid : distrustful
  2. nominal : negligible
  3. permutation : transformation
  4. contumacious : obedient
Answer: Choice (D) is correct.

In the first half of the analogy, intrepid means fearless, and timorous means nervous or fearful. So, look for the answer choice that contains antonyms. The words in choice (A) are synonyms. Someone who is paranoid is suspicious or distrustful of others. In choice (B), nominal and negligible are also synonyms, meaning minimal or minor. In choice (C), a permutation and a transformation are both changes or variations, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), contumacious means stubbornly rebellious, not obedient, so that is the correct answer.
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