EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

'Informed Consent' in a counseling situations means__________.
  1. The clinician informs the client they will meet with them each week
  2. Outlines the clinician’s responsibilities to the client
  3. Outlines the client’s responsibilities to the clinician
  4. Both B and C
Answer: D - Informed consent is a “contract” between the clinician and the client, brought out and discussed in the first session, outlining both clinician and client responsibilities to the therapeutic process. Informed consent forms may vary from clinician to clinician, but usually include information about confidentiality, duty to warn, the clinician’s approach to therapy, and other “housekeeping” duties such as scheduling, after hours information, etc. Client responsibilities may include keeping appointments, agreeing to do assignments, or other elements the clinician believes are important enough to put in writing.
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