SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

ineptitude : competence ::
  1. duress : coercion
  2. discord : harmony
  3. enmity : animosity
  4. dubiety : doubtfulness
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

Ineptitude means the lack of ability, and competence means skill or aptitude. They are antonyms, so look for the answer choice that contains antonyms. In choice (A), duress and coercion both imply pressure or force, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), enmity and animosity are synonyms for hostility, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), dubiety is a state of doubtfulness, so eliminate that choice. The only pair that is antonyms are found in choice (B). Discord means dissonance or conflict, not harmony, so that is the correct choice.
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