EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

In the strange situation, an infant who explores her environment independently, but returns to her father occasionally, exhibits distress when her father leaves, and goes to him when he returns, is said to be:
  1. Securely attached
  2. Avoidant
  3. Resistant
  4. Disorganized
Answer: A - In the strange situation, infants who explore their environment independently, but return to their caretaker occasionally, exhibit distress when the caretaker leaves, and go to the caretaker when they return are said to be securely attached children.
The strange situation, developed by Mary Ainsworth, is used as a technique to assess attachment of children. Majority of children are securely attached children who when frightened, seek comfort from parents and/or caregivers and know their parents and/or caregivers will provide comfort and reassurance. Thus, they are comfortable seeking them out in times of need
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